Python: A Brief Introduction

Bikash Santra

Research Scholar, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

1. Characteristics of Python

a) Easy to learn, powerful programming language
b) Efficient high-level data structures
c) Simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming
d) Extensive standard libraries: freely available and open source
e) Easy integration of C and C++ codes

2. Installing Python

2.1 Choosing Suitable Python Version

a) Python 2.7 (
b) Python 3.# (
c) IPython ( Not a version but it has completion, history, shell capabilities, and a lot more.

2.2 Popular Python Editors

a) Jupyter Notebook (
b) Spyder (
c) PyCharm (

2.3 A Compact Python Distribution

a) Anaconda Distribution: IDE, Package Manager (Conda), and Python Interpreter (

2.4 Package Installation

Run the following commands in Terminal (Linux) or in command prompt (Windows):
a) conda install 'package_name' (for anaconda distribution)
b) pip install 'package_name' (for python 2.7 distribution)
c) pip3 install 'package_name' (for python 3.# distribution)

3. Pillars of Python: Packages

a) NumPy: Numerical computing and routines with powerful numerical arrays objects
b) SciPy: High-level numerical routines, optimization, regression, interpolation, etc
c) Matplotlib / Mayavi (for 3D): Data visualization (plotting)
d) Pillow / Scikit-image / OpenCV: Image processing
e) SciKit-learn: Machine learning
f) Pandas / Statsmodels / Seaborn: Statistics
g) SymPy: Symbolic computing - algebric maniuplations, calculus, solving equations, etc
h) Pytorch / Tensorflow / Keras: Deep learning
i) wxPython / pyQT: GUI toolkit

4. References
