Coupled mode theory based 2-D microresonators results:

Microring Microdisk

2-D Microring resonator configuration:

Cavity of radius R = 5 µm, core width wc=0.5 µm and core refractive index nc=1.5 is coupled to straight waveguides of core width wc=0.4 µm and core refractive index nc=1.5. The background refractive index nb=1.0 and gap widths g= 0.2 µm.

Local intensities (top) and snapshots of the physical field (bottom) of the principal components of TE (left) and TM polarized waves (right), for off-resonance wavelengths (first and third column) and at resonance (second and fourth column).

Relative transmitted PT and dropped power PD versus the vacuum wavelength λ for a ringresonator.

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2-D Microdisk resonator configuration:

Cavity of radius R = 5 µm, core width wc=R µm (disk) and core refractive index nc=1.5 is coupled to straight waveguides of core width wc=0.4 µm and core refractive index nc=1.5. The background refractive index nb=1.0 and gap widths g= 0.2 µm.

Field examples for the microdisk resonator. CMT simulations with four basis modes (3 cavity modes and 1 straight waveguide mode). Absolute value |Ey|of the principal component of the TE fields (top), and snapshots of the real physical electric field (bottom). The wavelengths correspond to an off-resonance configuration (left) and to minor (center)and major resonances (right). The gray scale levels of the plots in each row are comparable.

Spectral response of above microdisk resonator.

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