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The work presented in this thesis has been accompanied by the following publications.

  1. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, and M. Hammer. Coupled mode theory and FDTD simulations on coupling between bend and straight optical waveguides. In Proceedings of 8'th Annual Symposium of IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, pages 33-36, 2003.

  2. M. Hammer, K. R. Hiremath, and R. Stoffer. Analytical approaches to the description of optical microresonator devices. In M. Bertolotti, A. Driessen, and F. Michelotti, editors, Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics, volume 709 of AIP conference proceedings, pages 48-71. American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2004.

  3. R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath, and M. Hammer. Comparison of coupled mode theory and FDTD simulations of coupling between bent and straight optical waveguides. In M. Bertolotti, A. Driessen, and F. Michelotti, editors, Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics, volume 709 of AIP conference proceedings, pages 366-377. American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2004.

  4. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, and M. Hammer. Multimode circular integrated optical microresonators: Coupled mode theory modeling. In Proceedings of 9'th Annual Symposium of IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, pages 79-82, 2004.

  5. K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, S. Stoffer, L. Prkna, and J. Ctyroký. Analytic approach to dielectric optical bent slab waveguides. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 37(1-3):37-61, January 2005.

  6. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, M. Hammer. Modeling of circular integrated optical microresonators by 2-D frequency domain coupled mode theory. Optics Communications, 2005 (accepted).

  7. R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, L. Prkna, and J. Ctyroký. Cylindrical integrated optical microresonators: Modeling by 3-D vectorial coupled mode theory. Optics Communications, 2005 (accepted).

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Kirankumar Hiremath 2005-09-23