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W. A. Gambling.
The rise and rise of optical fibers.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 6(6):1084-1093, November-December 2000.

H. Sobol.
Microwave communications-An historical perspective.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 32(9):1170-1181, September 1984.

C. Yeh.
Applied photonics.
Academic press, Inc., California, 1994.

R. Ramaswami.
Optical fiber communication: From transmission to networking.
IEEE Communications Magazine, pages 138 - 147, May 2002.

N. Savage.
Linking with light.
IEEE Spectrum, 39(8):32-36, August 2002.

G. I. Papadimitriou, C. Papazoglou, and A. S. Pomportsis.
Optical switching: switch fabrics, techniques, and architectures.
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 21(2):384-405, February 2003.

P. S. Peercy.
The drive to miniaturization.
Nature, 406:1023-1026, August 2000.

M. Saruwatari.
All-optical signal processing for terabit/second optical transmission.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 6(6):1363-1374, November-December 2000.

K. J. Vahala.
Optical microcavities.
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B. Liu, A. Shakouri, and J. E. Bowers.
Passive microring resonator coupled lasers.
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M. Kuwata-Gonokami, R. H. Jordan, A. Dodabalapur, H. E. Katz, M. L. Schilling, R. E. Slusher, and S. Ozawa.
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S. J. Choi, K. Djordjev, S. J. Choi, and P.D. Dapkus.
Microdisk lasers vertically coupled to output waveguides.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15(10):1330-1332, October 2003.

T. A. Ibrahim, R. Grover, L. C. Kuo, S. Kanakaraju, L. C. Calhoun, and P. T. Ho.
All-optical AND/NAND logic gates using semiconductor microresonators.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15(10):1422-1424, October 2003.

T. A. Ibrahim, K. Amarnath, L. C. Kuo, R. Grover, V. Van, and P. T. Ho.
Photonic logic NOR gate based on two symmetric microring resonators.
Optics Letters, 29(23):2779-2781, December 2004.

V. R. Almeida, C. A. Barrios, R. R. Panepucci, and M. Lipson.
All-optical control of light on a silicon chip.
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F. C. Blom, D. R. van Dijk, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, A. Driessen, and T. J. A. Popma.
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K. Djordjev, S. J. Choi, S. J. Choi, and R.D Dapkus.
Microdisk tunable resonant filters and switches.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14(6):828-830, June 2002.

R. W. Boyd and J. E. Heebner.
Sensitive disk resonator photonic biosensor.
Applied Optics, 40(31):5742-5747, November 2001.

S. Blair and Y. Chen.
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M. Rosenblit, P. Horak, S. Helsby, and R. Folman.
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B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, H. A. Haus, J. Foresi, and J. P. Laine.
Microring resonator channel dropping filters.
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F. C. Blom, H. Kelderman, H. W. J. M. Hoekstra, A. Driessen, T. J. A. Popma, S. T. Chu, and B. E. Little.
A single channel dropping filter based on a cylindrical microresonator.
Optics Communications, 167:77-82, August 1999.

K. Okamoto.
Recent progress of integrated optics planar lightwave circuits.
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H. Uetsuka.
AWG technologies for dense WDM applications.
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Y. Barbarin, X. J. M. Leijtens, E. A. J. M. Bente, C. M. Louzao, J. R. Kooiman, and M. K. Smit.
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M. Koshiba.
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D. J. W. Klunder, E. Krioukov, F. S. Tan, T van der Veen, H. F. Bulthuis, G. Sengo, C. Otto, H. W. J. M. Hoekstra, and A. Driessen.
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Applied Physics B, 73:603-608, 2001.

M. Hammer, K. R. Hiremath, and R. Stoffer.
Analytical approaches to the description of optical microresonator devices.
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D. J. W. Klunder, F. S. Tan, T. van der Veen, H. F. Bulthuis, G. Sengo, B. Docter, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, and A. Driessen.
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S. V. Boriskina, T. M. Benson, P. Sewell, and A. I. Nosich.
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R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, L. Prkna, and J. Ctyroký.
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Kirankumar Hiremath 2005-09-23