
Hi! This is Rohit Paliwal

Pre Final Year Student
B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
IIT Jodhpur

Download Resume
business man

Hi! This is Rohit Paliwal

Pre Final Year Student
B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
IIT Jodhpur

Download Resume
business man

Technical Skills


January'17 (currently working)
Conversion of 2D Floor Plan to 3D Model

Mentor: Dr.Chiranjoy Chattopadhya

  • Developed a software which will anlyze the 2D architectural floor plan and convert it into 3D model.
Automatic Textual Description of Architectural Floor Plans

Mentor: Dr.Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay

  • Developing an algorithm which will automatically generate the textual description of Architectural Floor Plans.
  • Learning the Morphological Concepts in Image Processing
Image Restoration Software

Mentor: Dr.Chiranjoy Chattopadhya

  • Developed a software which will automatically detect scratches in number of images placed in a folder and store the inpainted images in another folder.
  • Implemented FCM ( Fuzzy C-Mean) algorithm and FMM (Fast Marching Method) for inpainting

Guest House Management System

Mentor: Dr. Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay

  • Developed a Software for Guest House Booking Online
  • Worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP for Website part of Software and MySQL to store user data
  • Implemented the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming
A Psychological Experiment Website

Self Project

  • Build an experiment oriented website based on Deferral Decision
  • Worked with BootStraps framework/Materialize CSS and PHP/MySQL for back-end.


Flagship Event Head of IGNUS'17

Assistant Head of Fine Arts Club IIT Jodhpur

Creativity Head of Spandan'15

Core Member of Music Club IIT Jodhpur

Hobbies And Interests


Some random thoughts that I am not able to convey others, get converted to words for my blog.

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