EE 651 Wireless Communications
Administrative Information
Arun Kumar Singh
Room No. 2101 Academic Block II
Lecture Schedule
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday   3:00PM, Room 2004
Office Hours
Thursday 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Discussion Session
During Thursday lecture every 3rd week, starting in the 5th week of the semester. In the discussion session we will review basics, investigate material covered in class from a different perspective, answer questions, and discuss recent developments in the field.
Homework assignments are given every week, starting in the 2nd week of the semester. Each problem set is due one week after it has been handed out.
Homework Submission
Homeworks will be submitted electronically, as pdfs. Homeworks may be prepared by hand, in LaTeX, or even using Microsoft Word. If by hand the homework need to be scanned to pdf. Note that student will need to name file "Name_hwX.pdf" (e.g. second homework file "Arun_hw2.pdf") in order to submit it.
Homework: 0%, Quizzes: 0%, Mid Semester Exam: 40% (20% each), End Semester Exam: 40%, Laboratory: 20%
Course Details
- To provide students an understanding of the concepts related to wireless channel modelling.
- To explore communication concepts and techniques for exploiting wireless channel characteristics and application of these concepts in a system context.
- To familiarize students with the baseband generation software tools and the measurement instruments
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to analyze and design point-to-point wireless communications systems, particularly with application to mobile communication networks.
- Application of concepts and techniques from Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) theory to communication systems.
- Develop the ability to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of various mobile networks.
- Hands-on experience of designing and testing communication systems.
Probability theory with emphasis on Gaussian random process; signal space concepts; linear algebra; basics of digital communications
- Wireless Channels: Modelling of wireless channels; physical channel modelling, time and frequency channel coherence: Doppler spread, coherence time, delay spread and coherence bandwidth; input/output channel models: discretization and discrete-time representation; the wireless channel as a random linear time varying (LTV) system; stochastic characterization of LTV systems; characterizing key parameters of wireless channels; multiple antenna channel characterization, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems
- Diversity: Non-coherent and coherent reception; error probability for un-coded transmission; realizing diversity; time diversity: interleaving, constellation rotation; frequency diversity, antenna diversity, code design for wireless channels: the product distance design criterion; diversity order
- Wireless Channel Capacity: Capacity of the Gaussian channel and of parallel Gaussian channels; capacity of fading channels: ergodic capacity and outage capacity; high versus low SNR regime; water-filling capacity, Capacity of MIMO systems; spatial multiplexing; space-time coding
- Cellular Systems: Multiuser communications; multiple access and broadcast channels; narrow band communication system - GSM; wide band communication systems - CDMA and OFDM schemes
Text Books
- Tse, D. and Viswanath, P., Fundamentals of wireless communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005
- Goldsmith, A., Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Other References
- Simon, M. K. and Alouini, M. S., Digital communication over fading channels, John Wiley and Sons, 2005
- Cover, T. A. and Thomas, J. A., Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
- Rappaport, T. S., Wireless Communication Systems: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 2002
- Paulraj, A., Nabar, R. and Gore, D., Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2003