A corner stone result of quantum information theory is violated for neutral meson systems

In our recent work, arXiv:1409.1034, we answer some of the intriguing questions related to foundational aspects of correlated neutral meson systems. Testing Bell's inequality in neutral meson system is a difficult task, especially in neutral B meson systems, due to lack of active measurements. Despite this hurdle, we are able to make quantitative statement regarding Bell's inequality violation. We show that until about 50% of the average life time of correlated neutral mesons, Bell's inequality is violated. This means that, in the conventional sense, until this time, the time evolution cannot be simulated by any local realistic theory.

We also show that one of the corner stone results of quantum information theory, an inequality involving Bell's inequality violation and teleportation fidelity, seems to be violated for these neutral meson systems! Thus these systems are non-trivially different from its stable counterparts such as neutrinos where this inequality is obeyed.

Thus this work provides important insight into foundational issues in the context of quantum mechanics of unstable subatomic particles.

Citation Details

h-index = 22
Citation/publication ~ 48
Impact factor/publication ~ 4.3

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