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is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action.
March 2019
- present: Associate Professor @ Indian
Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India.
September 2013
- March 2019: Assistant Professor @ Indian
Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India.
October 2009 -
August 2013: Post-doctoral Research Associate @ Computer Vision and Sensing
Systems Laboratory, University of Windsor,
August 2006 -
September 2009: Research Scholar and Teaching Assistant @ Department of
Mathematics, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, India.
AY Semester Course Code Name 2013-14 Semester II 22001 Probability and Statistics 2014-15 Semester I CS654 Digital Image Analysis MA611 Graphs and Matrices 2014-15 Semester II MA221 Probability Statistics and Random Processes 2014-15 Summer CS112 Discrete Mathematics 2015-16 Semester I CS112 Discrete Mathematics MA515 Programing Techniques 2015-16 Semester II MA522 Complex Analysis MA524 Numerical Analysis 2016-17 Semester I 60241 Pattern Recognition MA515 Programing Techniques 2016-17 Semester II MA121 Complex Analysis and Differential Equations 2017-18 Semester I MA513 Differential Equations MA515 Programing Techniques 2017-18 Semester II MA121 Complex Analysis and Differential Equations 2018-19 Semester I CS654 Digital Image Analysis MA513 Programming Techniques 2018-19 Semester II MA524 Numerical Analysis MA611 Graphs and Matrices 2019-20 Semester I MAL1010 Mathematics I 2019-20 Semester II MAP7010 Data Analytics Lab MAP5010 Data Structures and Algorithms