Murugesan, Gurujegan, Imke Driemel and Andrew Murphy. to appear. Omnivorous person, number and gender in Mundari: A Cyclic Agree analysis. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory
Driemel, Imke and Gurujegan Murugesan. 2023. Gender and Allocutivity in World’s Languages. Proceedings of (Formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages 12, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Murugesan, Gurujegan. 2022. Deriving the Anaphor Agreement Effet and the violations of it. Syntax 25(1): 39-83.
Murugesan, Gurujegan. 2020. The (in)compatibility of Anaphor and Agreement. Proceedings of Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages 8, Wichita State University, Kansas, USA.
Murugesan, Gurujegan. 2019. The typology of Anaphor Agreement Effect. Proceedings of Triple A5: Fieldwork perspectives on the Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages, University of Konstanz, Germany 77-90.
Murugesan, Gurujegan. 2013. The syntax of Tamil Motion Event. Indian Linguistics 74 (3-4) 81-100
Murugesan, Gurujegan. 2011. Nanosyntax approach to Tamil Path Expression. Proceedings of Glow in Asia work shop for young scholars 9 Mie University, Japan.
Murugesan, Gurujegan. Under review. Case as an Anaphor Agreement Effect is only an illusion. Ms.Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur.
February 2024: Grammar and Diversity, Mother Language Day, IIT Jodhpur.
April 2022: (with Imke Driemel), Gender and allocutivity in Worlds languages, Formal approaches to South Asian Languages 12, University of Utah, USA.
January 2022: Omnivorous Person, Number and Gender: The view from Mundari. Centre for Research in Syntax, Semantics and Phonology Seminar, KU LEUVEN, Belgium.
October 2020: Research methods in Linguistics, Course on Research methods, Center for Linguistics, JNU.
July 2020: Postsyntactic movements in Mundari, CALTS WebTalk Series, University of Hyderabad.
October 2019: Agreement or Binding: Who blinks first?, Synsem@4thpot, Centre for Linguistics, JNU.
April 2019: On the absence of nominative anaphor, Dependency in Syntactic Covariance workshop,Universität Leipzig, Germany.
November 2018: Repair and Pseudo-Repair in AAE, Worskhop on repairs in Morphosyntax, Universität Leipzig, Germany.
September 2018: Merge matters for AAE, LingG1 workshop,Universität Göttingen, Germany.
June 2018: The Typology of Anaphor Agreement Effect, Olinco 2018, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
June 2018: The Typology of Anaphor Agreement Effect, Triple A 5, Universität Konstanz, Germany.
April 2018: The (in)compatibility of anaphora and agreement, Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages 8, Wichita state university, Kansas, USA.
October 2017 (with Louise Raynaud), Resolving conjunct agreement in Kutchi-Gujarati and Gujarati,SinFonIJA 10 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
May 2017: (with Louise Raynaud), Investigating the Anaphor Agreement Effect, Oberseminar, Universität Göttingen, Germany.
March 2017: (with Louise Raynaud), Anaphor-Agreement Effect and Agreement Switch in Kutchi Gujarati, Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages 7, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
February 2017: (with Louise Raynaud, Sandhya Sundaresan and Hedde Zeijlstra), Binding and Agreement in Icelandic ECM Constructions, Debrecen Worskhop on Pronouns,Debrecen, Hungary.
April 2016: (with Rahul Balasu and Rajamathagi Shanmugam), Bagel problem items in Tamil and Telugu, Glow 2016, Göttingen, Germany.
October 2015: (with Rahul Balasu and Rajamathagi Shanmugam), The Dravidian Bagel,International Conference of Linguistic Society of India, JNU, New Delhi.
January 2012: Event structure and Serial Verbs in Tamil Path Predicate, Complex Predicate in South Asian Languages workshop, English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad.
September 2011: Nanosyntax approach to Tamil Path Expression, GLOW in Asia Workshop for young scholars, Mie University, Japan.
February 2011: (with Hima S and Janani M Kandhadai), Locative PP in Tamil and Malayalam, Students Conference of Linguistics in India, University of Hyderabad.