Areas of interest
I am interested in the interdisciplinary area of mathematics and physics, with emphasis on wave-matter interactions, especially in optics/photonics, plasmonics. For a given problem, I am equally interested in its mathematical analysis and possible applications.

Scholarly activities
Reviewer for Applied Optics, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optics Communications, Applied Physics Letters, J. of Optical Society of America B, J. of Optics A: Pure and applied Optics, J. of Physics D: Applied Optics, Optical and Quantum electronics, J. of Applied Physics, J. of Numerical mathematics and partial differential equations

Research profile on Google Scholar

The Church says that the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon,
and I have more faith in the shadow than in the Church.

-Ferdinand Magellan-