Research profile on Google Scholar

Invited/book chapter:

  1. K. R. Hiremath, and M. Hammer, Circular integrated optical microresonators: Analytical methods and computational aspects , in I. Chremmos, O. Schwelb, N. Uzunogly edited book Photonic Microresonator Research and Applications, vol. 156 of Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Springer Publication, 29-59, 2010.

  2. M. Hammer, K. R. Hiremath and R. Stoffer, Analytical approaches to the description of optical microresonator devices , AIP Proceedings on Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics, International School of Quantum Electronics, 39th course, Erice, Sicily, editors: M. Bertolotti, A. Driessen and F. Michelotti, Volume 709, p.p. 48-71, 2004.

Research Papers:

  1. S. Garg and K. R Hiremath, Improved reduced order model for study of coupled phenomena, IoP Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 57, 415202, 2024.

  2. R. Kumar and K. R. Hiremath, Mathematical analysis of bent optical waveguide eigenvalue problem, IoP Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 57, 345202, 2024.

  3. R. Kumar, K. R. Hiremath, and S. Manzetti, A primer on eigenvalue problems of non-self-adjoint operators, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 14 (2), 21, 2024.

  4. S. Kundal, R. Kumar, A. Khandelwal, and K. R. Hiremath, Mathematical modelling of a ring resonator based refractive index sensor for cancer detection, Optical and Quantum Electronics 55 (11), 1020, 2023.

  5. M. Sharma, D. Dandotiya, K. R. Hiremath, A. K. Plappally, and P. R. Chakraborty, Hydrodynamic and thermal model for gravity-driven smooth laminar film flow undergoing flash evaporation cooling: Case study and correlation development, Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023.

  6. A. Rajpal, S. K. Bhatia, and K. R. Hiremath, Inspecting the stability of non-linear IS-LM model with dual time delay, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 165, 112821, 2022.

  7. A. Rajpal, S. K. Bhatia, and K. R. Hiremath, Stability switches in a linear IS-LM model having dual time delay, J. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 13(3), 2022.

  8. R Kumar, and K. R. Hiremath, Non-self-adjointness of bent optical waveguide eigenvalue problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 512 (1), 126024, 2022.

  9. S. Choudhary, and K. R. Hiremath, Numerical investigation of disordered patch resonator absorbers, Applied Physics A, 125, 603, 2019.

  10. S. Choudhary, and K. R. Hiremath, Experimental studies of absorption bandwidth enhancement in random metamaterials, Applied Physics A, 124(12), 829, 2018.

  11. A. Bhati, K. R. Hiremath, and V. Dixit, Bandwidth enhancement of triple layer microwave absorber using metallic square patch, Applied Physics A, 124(12), 798, 2018.

  12. A. Bhati, K. R. Hiremath, and V. Dixit, Bandwidth enhancement of Salisbury screen microwave absorber using wire metamaterial, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60(4), 891-897, 2018.

  13. A. Bhati, K. R. Hiremath, and V. Dixit, Design and Characterization of Square Patch Salisbury Screen Microwave Absorber, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 76, 7-12, 2018.

  14. A. Bhati, K. R. Hiremath, and V. Dixit, Square Patch-Based Dielectric Microwave Absorber, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 63, 13-21, 2018.

  15. Sahu, A., Hiremath, K. & Dixit, A., Limiting efficiency factors and their consequences on quantum dot sensitized solar cells: a detailed balance study. Appl. Phys. A 124, 541 (2018).

  16. A. Sahu, R. Chaurasiya, K. R. Hiremath, and A. Dixit, Nanostructured zinc titanate wide band gap semiconductor as a photoelectrode material for quantum dot sensitized solar cells, Solar Energy, 163, 338-346, 2018.

  17. A. Sahu, A. K. Saha, K. R. Hiremath, and A. Dixit, CdTe Sensitized Nano Porous Electrode for Photovoltaic Application, Materials today: proceedings, 5(11), 23311-23315, 2018.

  18. A. Sahu, S. Tirosh, K. R. Hiremath, A. Zaban, and A. Dixit, A novel process for sensitization and infiltration of quantum dots in mesoporous metal oxide matrix for efficient solar photovoltaics response, Solar Energy, 169, 488-497, 2018.

  19. P. R. Chakraborty, K. R. Hiremath, and M. Sharma, Evaluation of evaporation coefficient for micro-droplets exposed to low pressure: A semi-analytical approach, Physics Letters A, 381(5),413-416, 2017.

  20. H. Li, K. R. Hiremath, A. Rieder, and W. Freude, Adaptive wavelet collocation method for simulation of a 2D micro-ring resonator, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 131, 655-670, 2017.

  21. E. F. Franchimon, K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, and M. Hammer, Interaction of whispering gallery modes in integrated optical microring or microdisk circuits: hybrid coupled mode theory model, J. of Optical Society of America B, 30(4), 1048-1057, 2013.

  22. K. R. Hiremath, L. Zschiedrich, and F. Schmidt, Numerical solution of nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude model for arbitrary shaped nano-plasmonic structures using Nédélec finite elements, Journal of Computational Physics, 231(17), 5890-5896, 2012.

  23. K. R. Hiremath, J. Niegemann, and Kurt Busch, Analysis of light propagation in slotted resonator based systems via coupled mode theory, Optics Express, 19(9), 8641-8655, 2011.

  24. K. R. Hiremath, Analytical modal analysis of bent slot waveguides, J. of Optical Society of America A, 26(11), 2321-2326, 2009.

  25. K. R. Hiremath, and V. Astratov, Perturbations of whispering gallery modes by nanoparticles embedded in microcavities, Optics Express, 16(8), 5421-5426, 2008.

  26. K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, Modeling of tuning of microresonator filters by perturbational evaluation of cavity mode phase shifts, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol 25(12), p.p. 3760-3765, 2007.

  27. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, M. Hammer, Modeling of circular integrated optical microresonators by 2-D frequency domain coupled mode theory, Optics Communications, vol 257, p.p. 277-297, 2006.

  28. R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, L. Prkna, J. Ctyroky, Cylindrical integrated optical microresonators: Modeling by 3-D vectorial coupled mode theory, Optics Communications, vol 56, p.p. 46-67, 2005.

  29. K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, R. Stoffer, L. Prkna and J. Ctyroky, Analytic approach to dielectric optical bent slab waveguides, Optical and Quantum Electronics 37(1-3):37--61, January 2005.

Conference proceedings:

  1. S. Choudhary, and K. R. Hiremath, Aperiodic Metasurface for Broadband RCS Reduction, URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (URSI-RCRS), 1-4, 2020.

  2. A. Sahu, S. Tirosh, A. Zaban, K. R. Hiremath, and A. Dixit, Band Gap Engineering of CdTe Quantum Dots by Hg Alloying in Infrared Region, The Physics of Semiconductor Devices: Proceedings of IWPSD 2017, 1231-1234, 2017.

  3. , , .

  4. F. Schlosser, M. Schoth, K. R. Hiremath, S. Burger, F. Schmidt, A. Knorr, S. Mukamel, and M. Richter, Combining nanooptical fields and coherent spectroscopy on systems with delocalized excitons, Proc. SPIE 8260, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XVI, 82601V, 2012.

  5. K. R. Hiremath, L. Zschiedrich, S. Burger, and F. Schmidt,Nonlocal hydrodynamic Drude resonances of nano-plasmonic scatterers: Modeling and simulations, Proceedings of ECIO, Sitges, Spain, 2012.

  6. K. R. Hiremath, Effect of the slot position on the response of slot microresonators: Numerical investigation, Proceedings of 12th International conference on transparent optical networks (ICTON 2010), Tu.C4.5, 1-4, 2010.

  7. K. R. Hiremath, and V. Astratov, Splitting of whispering gallery modes by nanoparticles embedded in high Q microravities, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2009), 1-4, 2009.

  8. R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath and M. Hammer, Comparison of coupled mode theory and FDTD simulations of coupling between bent and straight optical waveguides , AIP Proceedings on Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics, International School of Quantum Electronics, 39th course, Erice, Sicily, editors: M. Bertolotti, A. Driessen and F. Michelotti, Volume 709, p.p 366-377, 2004.

  9. R. Stoffer, K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, Simulations of vertically-coupled microdisk-resonators by 3-D vectorial coupled mode theory, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Integrated Optics ECIO'05, Grenoble, France, p.p. 372-375, 2005.

  10. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer, M. Hammer, Multimode circular integrated optical microresonators: Coupled mode theory modeling, IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Proceedings of 9'th Annual Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, p.p. 79-82, 2004.

  11. K. R. Hiremath, R. Stoffer and M. Hammer, Coupled mode theory and FDTD simulations on coupling between bend and straight optical waveguides, IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Proceedings of 8'th Annual Symposium, Enschede, The Netherlands, p.p. 33-36, 2003.