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1.Wadhwa, riya; KUMAR, ASHOK; Sarkar, Ranjini ; Mohanty, Prajna ; Kumar, Deepu; Deswal, Sonia ; Kumar, Pradeep; Ahuja, Rajeev; Chakraborty, Sudip; Kumar, Mahesh; Kumar, Mukesh, Pt nanoparticles sensitized vertical aligned large area MoS2 flakes for enhanced and selective H2 sensing at room temperature (ACS Applied Nano Materials, Manuscript ID: an-2022-04894n)
2. B. Chakraborty; A. Das; A. Kumar; A. Barui; M. Kumar and C. roychaudhuri, Real Time Estimation of Stem Cell Zeta Potential and Dimension during Proliferation using MoS2 Nanosheets Field Effect Transistor (Sensor and Actuator B, Manuscript Number: SNB-D-22-07144) 
1. Kumar, A., Khan, M. A., & Kumar, M. (2021). Recent advances in 2D materials-based UV photodetectors: A Review. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.
2. Kumar,A., Sharma, N. Gutal, A.P., Kumar, D., Kumar, P., Paranjothy, M., Mahesh Kumar, Growth and NO2 Gas Sensing Mechanisms of Vertically aligned 2D SnS2 flakes by CVD: Experimental and DFT Studies, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 131078, 
3. Nikolskaya, A., Okulich, E., Korolev, D., Stepanov, A., Nikolichev, D., Mikhaylov, A., ... & Gogova, D. (2021). Ion implantation in β-Ga2O3: Physics and technology. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 39(3), 030802.
4. Khan, M. A., Kumar, A., Zhang, J., & Kumar, M. (2021). Recent Advances and Prospects in Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Photodetectors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
5. Das, S., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Singh, J., Jha, R., & Kumar, M. (2021). UV Light Detection Using Resonance Frequency of Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(6), 2791-2795.
6. Bhati, V. S., Kumar, A., Valappil, M. O., Alwarappan, S., & Kumar, M. (2020). Phosphorene Oxide Quantum Dots Decorated ZnO Nanostructure-Based Hydrogen Gas Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(6), 7283-7290.

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1.Ashok Kumar and Mahesh Kumar "Growth of vertically aligned 2D SnS2 flakes for highly sensitive and selective NO2 Gas Sensor"21st International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2021), IIT Delhi, December 14-17, 2021
2. Ashok Kumar and Mahesh Kumar “MoS2 thin film synthesized via a thermal chemical vapour deposition for NO2 gas sensor”3rd Indian Materials Conclave (IndMac) and 32nd Annual General Meeting of MRSI, IIT Madras, December 20-23, 2021
3. Ashok Kumar, Neelu Sharma and Mahesh Kumar "In-situ growth of hybrid nanostructure thin film of MoO2/ MoS2 using Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Method” 5th International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2020), IIT Delhi, November 26-28, 2020.
4. Neelu Sharma, Ashok Kumar and Mahesh Kumar "Growth and characterization of 2D material SnS2 by through chemical vapour deposition method" 5th International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2020), IIT Delhi, November 26-28, 2020.

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