
  • Was an active participant in:
    1. Workshop on Systems Science - Complex Networks and Applications, May 07-09, 2012;
    2. International Workshop on Quantum Biology, January 25-27, 2013;
    3. International Workshop on Computational Materials Design and Engineering, February 8-10, 2013; held at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur.
  • Convener of International Meet on Quantum Correlations and Logic, Language and Set Theory 2013, at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur from December 9 to 14, 2013.
  • Invited speaker to eighteen international conferences on Quantum Information.
  • Invited speaker to the 8th Nalanda Dialog on Science and Philosophy held at Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, Bihar, India from January 21-24, 2013.
  • As the first Head of the Physics Department at IIT Jodhpur, helped to develop the MSc Physics program introduced in July 2015. This involved, among other things, development of the courses and getting them approved from an external committee of senior Physicsts from the various IITs and TIFR (Mumbai).
  • Course Coordinator of GIAN program 171009M01 Topoligical Solitons & their Applications, from December 10- 15, 2018 at IIT Jodhpur. External faculty was Prof Richard MacKenzie, University of Montreal, Canada.
  • Coordinator of Faculty Development Proghram (FDP) on Quantum Science and Technology from August 19 to 30, 2019, at IIT Jodhpur.
  • Coordinator and Convenor of Conference on Quantum Information and Computation: QIC-2019, at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur from December 8 to 11, 2019.
  • Coordinator and Convenor of Quantum Information and Computation: From Foundations to Applications -2021 (QFA-2021) from 18-23 October 2021 at IIT Jodhpur (online mode).
  • Guest Editor of special volume Quantum Aspects of the Universe of the Journal Universe.
  • Associate Editor of Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
  • Review Editor in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences - Cosmology.