Zafar Ahmed Ansari
Indian Institute of Technology
Reminder and Notes application
Author: Zafar Ahmed Ansari

Minimum system requirements:

Windows and Linux
Java Runtime Environment 1.7.0_02


*Add notes on the 'Notes' tab.
*Remove scheduled reminders on the 'Scheduled Reminders' tab.
*Hit refresh button to see the latest update.
*Get notifications about missed one-time reminders in the 'Scheduled Reminders' tab.
*Get total time since last login in the 'Scheduled Reminders' tab.
*The program minimises to the system tray after first run.
*Right click on the system tray icon to open or exit the application.
*For best use add the program to the startup directory of your computer.
*The program remembers all reminders set and schedules all past unmet reminders on every run.
*All the input time fields are in 24 hour format.
*Flip calendar month by arrow buttons given on either sides of the month name.
*Each reminder dialog window also shows a stimulating random quote from history's greatest people!
*A missed reminder warning is shown if a one-time reminder is missed due to system unavailability.

Enjoy! Do give me your feedback.