Notable Alumni


  • Dinesh Kumar: Postdoctoral fellow at NCBJ Warsaw (Poland), Currently Assistant Professor at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

  • Jyoti Kumari: Assistant Professor at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

  • Khushboo Dixit: Postdoctoral fellow at University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

    • MSc

    • Shweta Yadav: PhD at University of Texas at Arlington (USA)

    • Akshima Negi: PhD at University of Texas at Arlington (USA)

    • Jyotismita Adhikary: PhD at NCBJ Warsaw (Poland)

    • Shreya Sharma: PhD at IFJ PAN Cracow (Poland)

    • Prosanta Mandal: PhD at IIT Kanpur

      • BTech (BTP Project)

      • Saroj Prasad Chhatoi : PhD at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai

Citation Details

h-index = 27
Citation/publication ~ 50
Impact factor/publication ~ 4.3

Latest News

  • Our work on "Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium" was presented at Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2023) TIFR, Mumbai, India in December 2023.

  • Our work on "Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium" was presented at TeV Particle Astrophysics (TeVPA) 2023, Napoli, Italy in September 2023.

  • Our work on "Investigating new physics in tau-mu sector via LFU ratios R_{tau mu}" was presented at Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia August 2023.

  • Our work on "New physics in b to s tau tau" was presented at EPS-HEP 2023, University of Hamburg, Hamburg in August 2023.

  • Our work on "Imprints of flavor anomalies on neutrino oscillations through dark matter halo" was presented at EPS-HEP 2023, University of Hamburg, Hamburg in August 2023.

  • Our work on "Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium" was presented at ICTP, Trieste, Italy in June 2023.

  • Our work on "New physics effects on quantum correlations in neutrino oscillations" was presented at Physics of the two Infinities at Kyoto, Japan in March 2023.

  • Our work on "Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium" was presented at INFN, Pisa, Italy in January 2023.

  • Our work on "Imprints of flavor anomalies on neutrino oscillations through dark matter halo" was presented at INFN, Pisa, Italy in January 2023.

  • Our work on "New physics in b->sll after Morion-2019 updates" was presented at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland in July 2019.

  • Our work on "New physics solutions for b -> c tau nu anomalies" was presented at the EPS-HEP 2019 in Gent, Belguim.

  • Our work on "New Physics after the measurement of R_K*" was presented at the meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Particles and Fields 2017 at Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA.

  • Our work on "Probing lepton flavor non-universality via D* polarization" was presented at the EPS-HEP 2017 in Venice, Italy and also at Pheno-2017, University of Pittsburgh, USA.

  • Our work on "Quantum Gravity fluctuations in Particle Physics" was presented at the EPS-HEP 2015 in Vienna, Austria.

  • Our work on "Up-type vector quark model" was presented at the EPS-HEP 2015 in Vienna, Austria and also at CALC-2015 in Dubna, Russia.