Computation of complex order Bessel functions


Source files

bessel.h, bessel.cpp, dgamma.f, machcon.f, zbsubs.f



void bessel_error(char *s)

extern complex<double> BesselJ( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> BesselY( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> HankelH1( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> HankelH2( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)

extern complex<double> DBesselJ( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> DBesselY( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> DHankelH1( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)
extern complex<double> DHankelH2( complex<double> order, complex<double> argument, int KODE, int *NZ, int *IERR)

double lambda(int s)
double mu(int s)
complex<double> u(int k, complex<double> t)
complex<double> v(int k, complex<double> t)
complex<double> a(int k, complex<double> zeta)
complex<double> b(int k, complex<double> zeta)
complex<double> c(int k, complex<double> zeta, complex<double> z)
complex<double> d(int k, complex<double> zeta, complex<double> z)

extern "C"
extern void zairy_( double *zr, double *zi, int *ID, int *KODE, double *air, double *aii, int *NZ, int *IERR);
extern void zbiry_( double *zr, double *zi, int *ID, int *KODE, double *air, double *aii, int *IERR);
extern double dgamma_(double *x);
Helper functions lambda(), mu(), u(), v(), a(), b(), c(), d() are declared in bessel.cpp.
zairy_(), zbiry_() are defined in zbsubs.f.
dgamma_() is defined in dgamma.f.

Description of variables and functions


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