2D bent waveguides semianalytic mode solver

Bent waveguides play an important role in photonic integrated circuits. Accurate evaluation of mode profiles, phase propagation constants and attenuation constants of leaky bent modes is very important from a device design point of view.

A sound modal analysis of bent slabs becomes particularly relevant, if the mode profiles are to be employed as basis fields for a description of integrated optical microresonators with circular, ring- or disk-shaped cavities. In a framework of coupled mode theory, an as far as possible analytic representation of the basic field profiles on a radially unbounded domain must be regarded as highly advantageous.

Therefore we followed analytical approach. For a detailed theoretical discussions and numerical examples of this approach, refer to [1].

Here we describe 2D bent mode solver based on the above analytical approach.

Bent waveguides model description

The model that we going to describe is in principle applicable for arbitrary multilayer bent waveguides. But here we have implemented only a three layer (substrate, core and cladding) configuration.

Consider a bent slab waveguide with the y-axis as the axis of symmetry as shown in the following figure. We assume that the material properties and the fields do not vary in the y -direction. In the cylindrical coordinate system (r, y, θ), the functional form (in the usual complex notation) of the propagating electric field and the magnetic field reads

where the ~ symbol indicates the mode profile, γ is the propagation constant of the bend mode, and ω is the angular frequency corresponding to vacuum wavelength λ . Since an electromagnetic field propagating through a bent waveguide loses energy due to radiation, γ is complex valued, denoted as γ = β - i α, where β and α are the real valued phase propagation and attenuation constants.

Figure 1: A bent slab waveguide. The core of thickness d and refractive index nf is embedded between an interior medium ("substrate") with refractive index ns and an exterior medium ("cladding") with refractive index nc. The distance between the origin and the outer rim of the bend defines the bend radius R.

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Bent waveguides simulator: Implementation

bmsinc.h Main header file for bent mode solver
bessel.h, bessel.cpp Routines for computation of (complex order) Bessel functions (More)
dgamma.f, machcon.f, zbsubs.f Routines for computation of Airy functions (More)
bslawaveg.h, bslawaveg.c Bent slab waveguide definition (More)
bslamode.h, bslamode.c Bent mode definition (More)
bslams.h, bslams.c Bent mode solver (More)
bslamarr.h, bslamarr.c Array of bent modes (More)
bslamvis.h, bslamvis.c Visualisation related routines (More)

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Bent waveguides simulator: Example

Bent waveguides simulator: Example

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  1. K. R. Hiremath, M. Hammer, S. Stoffer, L. Prkna, and J. Ctyroký.
    Analytic approach to dielectric optical bent slab waveguides.
    Optical and Quantum Electronics, 37(1-3):37-61, January 2005. PDF
  2. M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun.
    Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Applied Mathematics Series 55).
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., 1964.
  3. N. M. Temme.
    Numerical algorithms for uniform Airy-type asymptotic expansions.
    Technical Report MAS-R9706, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1997.
  4. D. E. Amos.
    A portable package for Bessel functions of a complex argument and nonnegative order, 1983.

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