
Circular resonators simulator

Kirankumar R. Hiremath

Institute for Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling
Department of Mathematics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe, Germany


Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics Group
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands

10 May 2010

(For any queries about Circurs, please contact me on the above email address.)


"Circurs" (Circular resonators simulator) is a frequency domain semianalytic simulation tool for 2D circular resonators. This user manual describes use of Circurs to get Circurs consists of four modules:

2D straight waveguides
semianalytic mode solver

2D bent waveguides
semianalytic mode solver

2D bent-straight waveguide
couplers simulator

2D microresonators simulator


Circurs is developed under Linux operating system. To use this code, one needs g++ compiler, f77 compiler, make. For visualization of fields, one needs MATLAB.

Installing and compiling Circurs

  1. Download Circurs source code:
  2. Unzip the file "", which will create a directory "circurs". It contains two subdirectories "Apps" and "src", and a script file "mo".
  3. Download the required Metric code files from Metric site, and keep them in "src" directory of Circurs code.
  4. Copy a suitable example file, e.g. "bwg_example.cpp" from subdirectory "App" to working directory "circurs" (or create a new file).
  5. To compile this file, type "./mo bwg_example". The code will be complied. For the first time compilation, it will take some time. But once that is done, for subsequent example files, it will not take that much time.
  6. An executable "bwg_example" will be created. Run it.