Bent waveguide simulator: Example

Here we explain how to define a bent waveguide, how to find its modes using the present semi-analytic mode solver and how to do different operation with it.


Define a 3 layer bent waveguide with substrate refractive index ns=1.0, cladding refractive index nc=1.0, and core refractive index nf=1.5, radius of the bent waveguide is R=5 μm and the core width d=0.5 μm.
Find the TE mode(s) supported by this waveguide and plot the fields.

  1. Make sure that all the required program files are available. See Circurs for more information.
  2. Use the example file "bwg_example.cpp".
  3. Compile the code "bwg_example.cpp" using the script "mo". This will produce an executable "bwg_example".
  4. Run the executable "bwg_example".

Code usage

  1. Required header file
  2. Defining bent waveguide
  3. Finding modes and accessing propagation constants
  4. Accessing field values and plotting modes

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