1-D bend specific output to MATLAB .m -FILEs, visualization helper routines for bslamode.c, bslamarr.c
void mlout_Lsecplot_rad(char *name, FILE *dat, Fcomp cp, int nbd, int nsec)
Mode section plot, plot commands
void mlout_bendriaplot(char *name, FILE *dat, double minf, double maxf,
Fcomp cp, int nbd, int nsec)
Mode section plot, combined re, im, abs, plot commands
void mlout_bendaphplot(char *name, FILE *dat, double minf, double maxf,
Fcomp cp, int nbd, int nsec)
Mode section plot, combined abs, phase, plot commands
void mlout_bendgeoxz(FILE *dat, BSlabWaveguide bend,
double xbeg, double xend, double zbeg, double zend)
Bend waveguide: geometry for interference visualization
void mlout_bendgeooutline(FILE *dat)
Sketch of permittivity boundaries: outline the geometry, bend waveguide
void mlout_bendimage(Fcomp cp, char *name, FILE *dat)
Interference plot, bend waveguide
void mlout_bendmovie(Fcomp cp, char *name, FILE *dat, int ntfr, double dt,
double om, double famp)
Interference animation, bend waveguide
void mlout_micresgeo(FILE *dat, BSlabWaveguide b, Waveguide si, Waveguide so)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, waveguide geometry and field extrema
void mlout_micresgeooutline(FILE *dat)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, sketch of permittivity boundaries: outline the resonator geometry
void mlout_micresgenimage(Fcomp cp, char *name, char *desc, FILE *dat)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, interference plot, microresonator structure
void mlout_micresmovie(Fcomp cp, char *name, char *desc, FILE *dat,
int ntfr, double dt, double om, double famp)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, interference animation, microresonator structure
void mlout_micresfldviewer(FILE *dat, char *name)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, field viewer .m-FILE: viewer commands, microresonator geometry
void mlout_micresviewertop(FILE *dat, char *name,
Polarization p, double lambda)
Microresonator field plots, helper functions, field viewer .m-FILE: top, title and globals
void mlout_bscoupgeo(FILE *dat, BSlabWaveguide b, Waveguide s)
Waveguide geometry for bent-straight Waveguide coupler
void mlout_coupgeooutline(FILE *dat)
Sketch of permittivity boundaries: outline the coupler geometry
void mlout_coupgenimage(Fcomp cp, char *name, char *desc, FILE *dat)
Interference plot, b-s coupler structure