Microresonators example |
Define a microring resonator consisting of
- a ring of radius 5 μm, width 0.5 μm, and core
refractive index 1.5;
- placed between two straight waveguides of width 0.4 μm, and core
refractive index 1.5;
- and the both separation distances of 0.2 μm
- background refractive index of 1.
For the above ringresonator, get the mode amplitides invloved in the resonator
model (see the figure of functional decomposition of
resonator.) and get y component of the resonator field at
- Make sure that all the required program files are available.
See Circurs for more information.
- Use the example file "resonator.cpp".
- Compile the code "resonator.cpp" using the script "mo".
This will produce an executable "resonator".
- Run the executable "resonator".
Example 2
For a microring resonator in the Example 1, get a spectral
response for a wavelength range 1.0 to 1.1. Compute the spectral response
using quadratic interpolation (with the nodal wavelengths 1.0, 1.05, and 1.1
μm) of the cavity mode propagation constants and the coupler
scattering matrices.
- Make sure that all the required program files are available.
See Circurs for more information.
- Use the example file "ring_resonator.cpp".
- Compile the code "ring_resonator.cpp" using the script "mo".
This will produce an executable "ring_resonator".
- Run the executable "ring_resonator".
Other examples