Projects at IIT Jodhpur
Projects as PI:
- "Design and Development of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Based Flat VUV/UV Excimer Light Sources for Advanced Applications in Health and Medicine" funded by SERB, DST, Govt. of India (Core Research Grant) and duration 30th December, 2020 to 30th December, 2023 (In Progress).
- Plasma Based Sterilizing System for Indoor Air Quality to fight COVID-19" funded by IIT Jodhpur (seed grant project) and duration 4th June 2020 to 3rd June 2023 (In Progress).
- "Design and Development of small-scale milk disinfection system using Plasma/UV Lamp technology" funded by the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India under New Idea Challenge Scheme along with Mr. Vigyan, PhD Scholar, IIT Jodhpur and duration 1st April 2021 to 30th September, 2022 (Project delayed due to COVID-19 Pandemic and in Progress).
- "Cold Plasma detergent in the environment to fight COVID-19" funded by M/s Porte Automations Pvt. Ltd. (Industry sponsored project) and duration 4th June 2020 to 30th April, 2021 (Completed successfully).
- "A UV-light Sterilization System to treat N95 Filtering Face-mask Respirators for reuse" funded by IIT Jodhpur (in-house project) and duration 27th March 2020 to 26th April 2020 (Completed successfully).
- Food Packets/ Products Sterilization using UV Light to fight COVID-19 funded by IIT Jodhpur (in-house project) and duration (4th April 2020 to 3rd October 2020) (Completed successfully).
Projects as CO-PI:
- "High Voltage (~5V) Ultrafast charging/discharging cathode materials in bulk and nano geometries for high power Li ion rechargeable batteries" funded by SERB, DST, Govt. of India (Core Research Grant) and duration 26th December, 2020 to 25th December, 2023 (In Progress).
Earlier Projects
Projects as PI
- "Computational quantitative spectroscopy for tokamak
plasmas” funded by Board of Research in Fusion Science &
Technology (BRFST), Govt of India and duration of project 23
rd August 2007 to 23 rd August 2009 (Project completed
- “Environment Friendly Plasma Nitriding Process for
Surface Hardening of Industrial Components” funded by
Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India
& National Engineering Industries Ltd. Jaipur and duration
of project 15 th March 2007 to 15 th September 2010 (Project
completed successfully)
- “Development of Penning Discharge Source for
Establishment of a Novel Calibration Technique for VUV
Spectrometer-Detector System Based on this Source and ADAS
Code” funded by Board of Research in Fusion Science &
Technology (BRFST), Govt of India and duration of project 26
th December 2009 to 31 st March 2014 (Project completed
- “Development of Plasma Based Efficient VUV/UV Excimer
Sources for Societal & Industrial Applications” funded by
CSIR (Network Project) Govt. of India and duration of project
1 st May, 2012 to 30 th Sept 2016 (Project completed
- "Development of Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD)
based plasma system for portable water purification"; funded
by WTI, DST, Govt. of India and duration of project 1 st
October, 2013- 30 th September, 2016 (Project completed
- “Development of mercury-free plasma UV-lamps
compatible to advanced photocatalytic oxidation system” funded
by M/s. Vital Hospitality (P) LTD. Trivandrum, Kerla and
duration 27 th Dec. 2016-26 th Sept. 2017 (Project completed
- “Development of DSIR-Common Research " Technology
Development Hub (DSIR-CRTDH) in the Area of
Electronics/Renewable Energy” funded by DSIR, Govt. of India
during 31 st March 2017 to 23 rd May, 2019 (Project
transferred to other as PI)
- Rural Technology Business Incubator (RTBI) at CSIR-
CEERI's Incubation-cum-Innovation, Jaipur Centre funded by
DST Govt. of Rajasthan 24th March 2018 to 23 rd May 2019
(Project transferred to other PI).
- “Deployment of CSIR-CEERI's Smart Technologies in
Aspirational District 'Sirohi'” funded by CSIR- CEERI,
Pilani during 28 th September 2018 to 23 rd May, 2019 (Project
transferred to other as PI)
- “Design and Development of Dielectric Barrier
Discharge Based Micro-hollow Cathode Plasma Device Arrays "
their Characterization” funded by SERB, DST, Govt. of India
during 31 st July 2018 to 23 rd May, 2019 (Project transferred
to other as PI)
Project as Co-PI
- "Design and Development of Pseudospark Plasma Switch
(PSS) and Plasma Cathode Electron (PCE) Gun for Strategic
Applications including relevant Technology for High Power
Plasma-Assisted Microwave Source 'PASOTRON'" funded by
CSIR (Network Project) and duration 1 st May, 2012 to 30 th
Sept 2016 (Project completed successfully).
- "Study of Bacteriological Disinfection by VUV/UV
Excimer Source" funded by CSIR (Inter Lab Project) Govt of
India and duration 9 th December 2011 to 31 st March 2014
(Project completed successfully).
- "Analysis of beam-wave interaction to support the
development of plasma cathode electron gun driven X-band
plasma assisted BWO" funded by CSIR (extramural research grant
scheme) and duration 1 st July 2012- 30 th June 2015 (Project
completed successfully).
- "Fabrication and Delivery of 35kV/3kA Thyratron for
Line-type pulse modulator for Linear Accelerator" funded by
BRNS, Govt. of India and duration 1 st May, 2015-31 st July,
2017 (Project completed successfully).