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Surajit Ghosh was born in West Bengal, India. He studied Organic Chemistry at the University of Calcutta, India, and gained his Master of Science in Organic Chemistry in 2000. Then, he moved to Syngene International Pvt. Ltd (Biocon INDIA Group) and worked as a Scientist till July 2004 in drug discovery project. Subsequently, he moved to Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in August 2004 for his doctoral studies in the group of Prof. Sandeep Verma in the area of Peptide Self-assembly. After completing his Ph. D. in July 2008, he received postdoctoral fellowship at Cell Biology and Biophysics Division of European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany with Dr. Thomas Surrey (August 2008), where he worked on organization of microtubule and molecular motor proteins till December 2010. He joined CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata, India in 2011, and worked as Principal Scientist till July 2019. Subsequently, he has joined as Professor in the Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur on July 2019. He is a recipient of BIOCON Tribute award, EMBL Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Ramanujan Fellowship, Indian Peptide Society Young Scientist Award, Asima Chatterjee Young Scientist Award, Syamasri Gupta Young Scientist Award, CSIR-CDRI Award for Excellence in Drug Research (2020) and SERB-STAR Award (2020). He is an elected Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (2016), and West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (2018). At IIT Jodhpur he is leading his group with a current research focus on the areas of Chemical Neuroscience, Chemical Biology and Development of Biophysical Platform/Biosensor.

Professor Surajit Ghosh
Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
NH 65, Surpura Bypass Road, Karwar, Rajasthan 342037
Phone: +91-291-280-1212 (Office)

Email:  sghosh@iitj.ac.in
  • Communication Committee Member-International Chemical Biology Society
  • Member-Asian Chemical Biology Initiative
  • Founder Life Member & Joint Secretary-Chemical Biology Society of India
  • Life Member-Indian Peptide Society
  • Editorial Board Member-Frontiers in Chemistry (Chemical Biology)
  • Editorial Board Member Royal Society of Chemistry

Grants Received:
  • SERB, Department of Science and Technology, India
  • Department of Biotechnology, India 
  • CSIR-Mission Mode
  • India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme (IJCSP)
Positions Held :
2023- 14th July 2024 Dean-International Relations, Corporate Relations and Alumni Relations
2021- 14th August 2024 Board of Directors, JCKIF
2020- 14th August 2024 Board of Directors, iHub Drishti, a not for profit section 8 company
Sep 2019-August 2021, June 2022-August 2022 Dean, Research and Development, IIT Jodhpur
9th July 2019-till date Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur.
March 2018 Visiting Scientist, ISIR, Osaka
September 2015- till date Associate Editor (Chemical Biology), Royal Society of Chemistry Advances
April 2014- 8th July 2019 Principal Scientist  at CSIR-IICB, Kolkata & Associate Professor, AcSIR, India
2011- 2015 Ramanujan Fellow
October 2012 Visiting Scientist, Cancer Research Institute London, UK
August-October 2012 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Rudolph Virchow Centre, University of Wurzburg, Germany
January 2010-December 2010 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
January2001−July2004 Scientist, BIOCON, 20th KM, Hosur Road Electronics, Bangalore, India


Awards/Recognition/ & Honors:  
2022 Editorial Board Member Royal Society of Chemistry
2020 SERB-STAR Award
2020 CDRI Award 2020 for Excellence in Drug Research in the chemical sciences category
2019 Journal of American Chemical Society Young Investigators Virtual Issue 
2018 Member Asian Chemical Biology Initiative
2018 Elected Fellow of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology
2018 Prof. Asima Chatterjee Young Scientist Award
2017 Syamasri Gupta Memorial Young Scientist Award from Indian Society for Surface Science & Technology
2017 Travel Grant by International Chemical Biology Society for Invited Lecture at Shanghai, China
2017 Young Scientist Award from Indian Peptide Society
2016 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK
2015 Associate Editor, RSC Advances
2010 Ramanujan Fellow (2011-2015)
    2010 Travel grant by DBT/ Wellcome Trust for attending “EMBO Global Exchange & the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance meeting” at Barcelona  
2009 Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow
2008 EMBL Fellow
2007 Travel Grant by BASF Company for attending in International Symposium “BASF Conference on Nanomaterials” in Singapore  
2002 Biocon Tribute award for important contribution (Biocon India Group)


Invited Presentation:

  • Invited Speaker at the 2nd National Organic Symposium Trust (NOST) held at Jaipur, India, October 11-14, 2006. Title: “Phased Peptide Fiber Growth in Prion Octarepeat Mutant: Aggregation and Disaggregation studies”
  • Invited Speaker at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, Germany, May 15, 2009. Title: "Biomimetic Assembly of IntracelluarMotility with Minimum Components"
  • Invited Speaker in Colloquium Lecture at Bose Institute, Kolkata, India, June 24, 2010. Title: "Biomimetic Assembly of Intracellular Motility with Minimum Components"
  • Invited Speaker at the Indian Peptide Symposium, Kolkata, February 21-22, 2013 Title: "Reconstitution of prion propagation with minimum components inside the liposome"
  • Invited Speaker at 4th Asia Specific Peptide Symposium (APIPS) at Osaka, Japan, November 6, 2013. Title: "In vitro reconstitution of a cellular like environment using liposome for Aβ peptide aggregation, its propagation, peptide-lipid interaction and drug screening "
  • Invited Speaker at 5th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science (ACCIS 2013) at the University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, India, November 20-23, 2013. Title: "Biomolecular Assembly in Solution and Interface"
  • Invited Speaker at 2nd Ramanujan Meeting at IISER Pune, December 13-14, 2013. Title: "Biomolecular Assembly in Solution and Interface"
  • Invited Speaker in Colloquium Lecture at CSIR-IICB, Kolkata, India, January 20, 2014. Title: "Development of Various Platforms for Reconstitution of Biological events”
  • Invited Speaker in 1st KANSAI Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium at OSAKA, JAPAN, February 3, 2014.Title: "Surface Modification and Patterning for Reconstitution of Biological Events and Delivering Therapeutic Molecules"
  • Invited Speaker in Humboldt Kolleg at IISC Bangalore, September 4, 2014.Title: "Interaction between Aβ and Aβ-inhibitor peptide with tubulin/microtubule"
  • Invited Speaker in International Symposium on Advances in Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Dynamics at IACS, Kolkata, December 12-14, 2014. Title: "Functionalized graphene oxide walks along the microtubule and delivers therapeutic molecules intothe cell"
  • Invited Speaker in International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC-10) at IISER Pune, January 12, 2015. Title: "Interaction of Aβ peptide with tubulin/microtubule causes inhibition of tubulin polymerization and apoptotic death of cancer cells "
  • Invited Speaker at Ramanujan Fellowship Review Meeting on 16th March 2015 at IIT Bombay. Title: "Biomolecular assembly in solution and interface"
  • Invited Speaker at refresher course on 30th March 2015, Venue: Calcutta University (Rajabazar Science College-Campus). Title: "Recently developed chemical tools for understanding/perturbing various biological events"
  • Invited Speaker at CSIR-IICB Research festival 5th June 2015. Title: "A short GC rich DNA derived from microbial origin targets tubulin/microtubule and induces apoptotic death of cancer cell"
  • Invited Speaker in 4th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN2015), on 08-11 December 2015 at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Title: "Microtubule targeted chemically functionalized graphene oxide micro/nano particle"
  • Invited Speaker in 17th All India Congress of Cytology and Genetics (22-24 December 2015). Title: "Microtubule targeted chemically functionalized graphene oxide micro/nanoparticle"
  • Invited Speaker in Sixth International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics (ICMG-2016), from 17-21st February 2016 at IISc Bangalore. Title: "Microtubule targeted neuroprotective peptide"
  • Invited Speaker at the National level Symposium Facets of Chemistry in Biology-2016 at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata on 22-23 February 2016. Title: "Chemical tools for understanding/perturbing various biological events"
  • Invited Speaker in the International symposium on Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery at Hotel Taj, Kolkata on 1-3 March 2016. Title: "Development of novel delivery vehicles for targeted delivery of docetaxel "
  • Invited Speaker in the International symposium NANOBIOCON at Science City, Kolkata on 3-4 Oct 2016. Title: "Microtubule targeted chemically functionalized graphene oxide micro/nano particle"
  • Invited Speaker in the TEQIP II sponsored workshop on “Fundamentals and Applications in Biomolecular Spectroscopy ” at NIT Patna during 25th-26th October, 2016. Title: "Understanding Dynamics of Biological Systems using Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy"
  • Invited Speaker in the Indo-German meeting in November 10-13, 2016 at Khajuraho. Title: "Cancer Cell Specific Delivery of Docetaxel: Towards Development of Nanomedicine"
  • Invited Speaker in the "The 20th ISIR International Symposium on Molecular Technology Frontiers towards IoT World, 12-13th in December, 2016, in Osaka, Japan. Title: "Cancer Cell Specific Delivery of Docetaxel: Towards Development of Nanomedicine"
  • Invited Speaker in the 5th Symposium on the Advances in Bioinorganic Chemistry, January 7-11, 2017 in Kolkata, India. Title: "Purine Based Metal Carbene Complexes for Inhibition of Tubulin Polymerization"
  • Invited Speaker at IIT Patna on 1st February 2017. Title: "Microtubule targeted neuroprotective peptide"
  • Invited Speaker in the TEQIP II sponsored Short Term Course on “Strengthening of Institute-Industry Interaction” at NIT Patna 2nd February 2017. Title “Deveopment of cancer cell specific docetaxel Nano formulation “.
  • Invited Speaker in NDD 2017: International Conference on “Neurodegenerative Disorders: Current and Future Perspective", February 10-12, 2017 in Kolkata, India. Title: "Microtubule targeted neuroprotective peptide"
  • Invited Speaker in a Summer School in Chemical Sciences in the Rajabazar Science College Campus on 6th February 2017. Title: "Development of Cancer Cell Specific Docetaxel Nanoformulation"
  • Invited Speaker in Indian Peptide Symposium on February 23, 2017, at Homi Bhaba Centre, Mumbai, India (Young Scientist Award Talk) Title: "Microtubule targeted neuroprotective peptide"
M.Sc: Calcutta University (1998-2000)

Ph.D: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (2004-2008)

Post.Doc: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany (2008-2010)