Ravina Beniwal [P19PH009]

Joined in 2019


Research Scholar

I hailed from Haryana and completed Bachelor’s with Physics, Chemistry, and Maths at C. M. K. College, Sirsa, Haryana. I have completed M. Sc. Physics from Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana. My interest in the research drove me to join as a Ph.D. student at UPG(Ultrafast Physics Group), IITJ, in Dec 2019 with UGC-JRF. I would like to pursue my research in the dreamland of 2D materials for photonic applications. Also, my interests extend to the fields of Nonlinear Optics, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, and Light-Matter Interactions at Nanoscale.

Debasish Biswasray [P20PH019]

Joined in 2020


Research Scholar

I have done my Bachelors from Odisha and subsequently completed my masters in Physics at Berhampur University. The fascinating field of Optics gave me an excellent opportunity to join the Ultrafast Physics Group (UPG) at the Department of Physics, IIT Jodhpur, in August 2020 as a Ph.D. student. I would like to explore the emerging research directions in ultrafast lasers, Nonlinear Optics, and 2D materials for their optical and optoelectronic applications, both in experimental and theoretical aspects.

Gourav [P23PH0005]

Joined in 2023


Research Scholar

It's been an exciting adventure to complete Bachelors' in Physics Hons. from University of Delhi (Rajdhani College) in 2020 and completing masters at Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology in Hisar (Haryana) (in 2022). The astonishing world of Optics and Photonics fascinated me after studying the Photonics specialization in masters, leading me to join the UPG as a research scholar at IIT JODHPUR. I would like to explore and research in the field of 2D Materials and Gas Sensing using Optical Fibers and it's applications in various fields.

Yogendra Singh [P24PH0013]

Joined in 2024


Research Scholar

I have completed my Masters(integrated) in Physics from NISER, Bhubaneswar in 2023. My interest in the field of Non-linear Optics and Photonics provided me with a great opportunity to join UPG (Ultrafast Photonics Group) at IIT Jodhpur as a Ph.D. scholar.

Shiksha Bhardwaj


M.Sc. Project Student

My work focuses on the initial stages of designing and developing Fiber Optic Sensors, with a strong interest in exploring their applications in various industries.



M.Sc. Project Student

My work focuses on " Utilization of machine learning for failure management in optical networks enhances the reliability and efficiency of communication systems by predicting and mitigating potential network disruptions."

Praveen Singh


M.Sc. Project Student

I am currently focused on exploring light-matter interactions in 2D materials. My aim to understand the fundamental processes that govern these interactions, leveraging the unique properties of 2D materials to advance applications in photonics, optoelectronics, and quantum technologies. I am passionate about uncovering the potential of these materials to innovate in the fields of energy and information processing.

Amarjyoti Biswal


M.Sc. Project Student

I am working on the 2-D Material-based Single-Photon Emitter project, currently focusing on approaches and techniques that can be adopted to improve the purity of the emitted photon.



M.Sc. Project Student

I am working on ..

Madhuresh kumar Singh


M.Sc. Project Student

I am working on ..

Samudrala Appalakondaiah

Ramanujan Fellow

Mar 2022 to Sep 2023

Current Institute:Assistant Professor at Central university of Pondicherry



M.Sc Project Student

I am a graduate of Deshbandhu College, DU, with a passion for cutting-edge scientific exploration. During my master's, I delved into the fascinating world of photonics, focusing on the development of optical fiber sensors and advancing technology for optical experiments.

Current Institute: Private College,Gujarat, India.

palash saha
Palash Saha


M.Sc Project Student

We delved into the linear and nonlinear optical parameters of monolayer graphene through semiclassical treatment. Through this theoretical means, an unconventional kind of linear conductivity was found and eventually published. For computation, Numpy and SciPy modules of Python were used.

Current Institute: Ph.D at AGH University of Krakow (Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie)



M.Sc Project Student

Current Institute: Ph.D at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Mahima Chaudhary
Mahima Chaudhary


M.Sc Project Student

"I joined the UPG group for the M.Sc. project thesis on Fabrication of Ultra-Thin Materials for Optical Measurements."

Harshita Devda
Harshita Devda


M.Sc Project Student

"I did my master's thesis in theoretical condensed matter physics, under the supervision of professor Dr. B.M. Krishna. In my thesis, I worked on the electronic structure calculation of transition-metal di-chalcogenide(TMD) heterostructures using density functional theory (DFT). I have utilized the VASP for the ab initio calculations, and have determined the electronic and optical properties that include band structure, density of states, and refractive index for the efficient stacking of hetero-bilayers."

Current Institute: Ph.D. at the University of Konstanz, Germany

Prabha Chandra
Chandra Prabha


M.Sc Project Student

"I joined the UPG group for the M.Sc. project thesis on Nonlinear optical properties of suitable materials for optical limiting. It was about the non-linear optical study of material HSTPP BF3 (porphyrin in solution form) through the Z-scan technique for the application of optical limiting. Further, the effect of peripheral substituted groups on the free base porphyrins in borate glass film was investigated in terms of nonlinear absorption."

Current Institute: Ph.D. Scholar at Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur

Prabha Chandra


M.Sc Project Student

Current Institute: Ph.D. Scholar at IIT Roorkee

Prabha Chandra
Honey Jose


M.Sc Project Student

I have joined UPG group to do my Masters project on fiber based temparature senors.

Prabha Chandra


M.Sc Project Student(2017)