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``Standard model'' for resonators: Monomode setting

The ``standard resonator model'' [34,35] describes the frequency domain propagation of light inside the resonator. In this model, the optical field with vacuum wavelength $ \lambda$ oscillates everywhere in time according to $ \exp{(\mbox{i}\omega t)}$, where $ \omega = k c$ is real angular frequency, $ k=2 \pi / \lambda$ is the vacuum wavenumber, and $ c$ is the vacuum speed of light. The model is based on the following approximations and assumptions:

Thus, the microresonator model under consideration consists of two identical bent-straight waveguide couplers (coupler I and coupler II) which are connected to each other by two segments of the cavity waveguide of length $ L/2$. The external ports are constituted by straight waveguides. Variables $ A, B, \tilde{A}, \tilde{B}$ (external connections) and $ a, b, \tilde{a},
\tilde{b}$ (cavity connections) denote the amplitudes of properly normalized guided modes in the respective coupler port planes, which are identified by corresponding letters.

The response of the couplers is characterized by a scattering matrix S. For the coupler I and II, the relationship between coupler input and output amplitudes is given by

$\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}b \\ B \end{pmatrix} =$   S$\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}a \\ A \end{pmatrix}, \hspace{0.5cm} \begin{pmatrix}\tilde{b} \\ \tilde{B} \end{pmatrix} =$   S$\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}\tilde{a} \\ \tilde{A} \end{pmatrix},$    with    S$\displaystyle = \begin{pmatrix}{\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize bb}} & {\sf {S}}_{\...
...{S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize sb}} & {\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize ss}} \end{pmatrix}.$ (1.1)

The entry $ {\sf {S}}_{v,w}$ with $ v, w =$   b$ ,$   s represents the ``coupling'' from the mode of waveguide $ w$ to the mode of waveguide $ v$. Thus $ {\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize bb}}$, $ {\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize ss}}$ are ``self coupling coefficients'', and $ {\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize bs}}$, $ {\sf {S}}_{\mbox{\scriptsize sb}}$ are ``cross coupling coefficients''. Note that, here the matrix S is not assumed to be unitary. Losses, e. g.due to power transfer to radiative (non-guided) parts of the optical field in the coupler region, can thus be incorporated in S.

The (lossy) mode of the cavity waveguide is characterized by a complex valued cavity mode propagation constant $ \gamma = \beta -$   i$ \alpha $, where $ \beta $ is the phase constant and $ \alpha $ is the attenuation constant. Then for the propagation of the fields along the cavity segments, one writes

$\displaystyle a = {\sf {G}} \tilde{b}, \hspace{0.5cm} \tilde{a} = {\sf {G}} b,$    with $\displaystyle \hspace{0.5cm} {\sf {G}} =$   e$\displaystyle ^{\displaystyle -\mbox{i}\beta L/2}~\mbox{e}^{\displaystyle - \alpha L/2}.$ (1.2)

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Kirankumar Hiremath 2005-09-23