Courses Taught at IIT Jodhpur
CSL7360: Computer Vision, Semester II, 2023-2024
CSL7590: Deep Learning, Semester II, 2023-2024
AIL7140: Advacned Computer Vision, Semester I, 2023-2024
EEL7250: Introduction to Immersive Multimedia with Dr. Manish Narwaria, Semester I, 2023-2024
EEL2010: Signals and Systems, Semester II, 2022-2023
CSL7020: Machine Learning, Semester II, 2022-2023
CSL7590: Deep Learning, Semester II, 2022-2023
CSL7382: Bioimage Computing, Semester II, 2022-2023
CSL7650: Autonomous Systems, Semester II, 2022-2023
CSL7450: Computer Graphics, Semester I, 2022-2023
EEL7250: Introduction to Immersive Multimedia with Dr. Manish Narwaria, Semester I, 2022-2023
EEL1010: Introduction to Electirical Engineering with Dr. Himanshu Kumar, 2021-2022
Deep Learning, Fractal 3, 2021-2022
CSL7060: Real Time Autonomous System, Fractal 2, Semester II, 2021-2022
CSL7382: Bioimage Computing, Semester II, 2021-2022
Machine Learning, Fractal 2, 2021-2022
CSL7450: Computer Graphics, Semester I, 2021-2022
CSL7050: Machine Learning II, Fractal 3, Semester I, 2021-2022
EEL2010: Signals and System, Summer, 2020-2021
CSL7060: Real Time Autonomous System, Fractal 2, Trimester 3, 2020-2021
CSL7382: Bioimage Computing, Trimester 3, 2020-2021
Machine Learning I: Fractal 2, Executive M.Tech. in AI, Trimester 3, 2020-2021
CSL7450: Computer Graphics, Trimester 2, 2020-2021
Machine Learning II, Fractal 3, Trimester 2, 2020-2021
EEL7010: Statistical Signal Analysis, Trimester 1, 2020-2021
EEL7420: Digital Image Processing and Applications, Semester 2, 2019-2020
Machine Learning I: Fractal 2, Semester 2, 2019-2020
Lab instructor for EEL1010 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab, Semester 1, 2019-2020
Lab instructor for EE312 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab, Semester 1, 2019-2020
Courses Taught at IIT Gandhinagar
ES637: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Vision and Graphics, Semester 2, 2018-2019
ES 105: Electrical and Electronics Lab, Semester 2, 2018-2019