Journal/Peer-reviewed Conference/Pre-print
- Gupta S., Tripathy N. S. and Shah S. V., "RL-based Variable Horizon Model Predictive Control of Multi-Robot Systems in Dynamic Environments," Accepted in ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2025.
- Chaudhary S., Dubey R., Tripathy N. S. and Shah S. V., "Data-Driven Event-Triggered Predictive Post-Impact Control of Space Robot with Uncertainties," AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2025. [DOI:]
- Dal P. and Shah S. V., "Joint Acceleration Based Adaptive Reactionless Manipulation of Closed-loop Multi-arm Space Robot in Post-capture Phase," Acta Astronautica, 2024 [DOI:].
- Yadav S. P., Nagar R., Shah S.V., Learning Vision-based Robotic Manipulation Tasks Sequentially in Offline Reinforcement Learning Settings, Robotica , 42(6), pp. 1715 - 1730 , 2024. [DOI:]
- Dubey R., Gupta S., Chaudhary S., Tripathy N. S. and Shah S. V., "Finite-Time Convergence of Multi-robot Segregation using MPC with Aperiodic Motion Smoothing," in IEEE CASE, 2024.[DOI:]
- Parihar, U.S., Patel, S.M., Shah, S.V., Desai, K.A., Chugh, A.. "Design of Jaw Rehabilitation Device for Patients with TMJ Disorder". In: Recent Advances in Machines and Mechanisms. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2023 [DOI:]
- Kumar D. et al, Investigating Teleoperation of UR5 Robot Using Haptic Device for Different Network Configuration, accepted in AIR 2023
- Kumar A. et al., Trajectory Tracking by Quadcopter using MPC in Presence of Obstacles and External Disturbances, accepted in AIR 2023
- Raina A., Nakka S., Bansal M., Desai K. A., Shah S. V. & Venkatesan C. Automated configuration design framework for payload integration in unmanned aerial vehicles, Engineering Optimization, 54(12), 2022. [DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2021.1971212]
- Gupta S., Chaudhary S., Maurya D.,Joshi S. K., Tripathy N. S. and Shah S. V., "Segregation of Multiple Robots Using Model Predictive Control With Asynchronous Path Smoothing," CCTA, 2022.[DOI: 10.1109/CCTA49430.2022.9966011]
- Raina D., Gora S., Maheshwari D., Shah S. V., "Impact Modeling and Reactionless Control for post-capturing and manoeuvring of orbiting objects using a Multi-arm space robot," 182, 21-36, 2021 [].
- Pareekutty, N., James, F., Ravindran, B., & Shah, S. V. (2021). qRRT: Quality-Biased Incremental RRT for Optimal Motion Planning in Non-Holonomic Systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.02635.
- Saoji S., Krishna D., Sanap V., Nagar R., Shah S.V., “Learning-based Approach for Estimation of Axis of Rotation for Markerless Visual Servoing to Tumbling Objects”, In Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2021. [].
- Chaudhary S., Patel S. M., Dal P. N., Joshi S. K., Tripathy N. S., Shah S.V., Robust Control Strategy for Reactionless Manoeuvring of a Dual-Arm Space Manipulator, In Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2021.[].
- Patel S.M., Gupta S., Shah S. V., Motion Planning of Half-humanoid in the Presence of Obstacle, In Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2021. [].
- Gupta A., Prajapati S. K., Shah S. V., Chugh A, Design, Development and Characterization of Jaw Biting Force Measuring Device for Assessment of the Masticatory System, In iNaCoMM, 2021.
- Mithun P., Mehta, S. A., Shah, S. V., Bhatnagar, G., & Krishna, K. M. (2020). Student Mixture Model Based Visual Servoing. arXiv preprint [arXiv:2006.11347.]
- Naveen B., Shah S. V., Misra A. K., "Momentum Model-based Minimal Parameter Identification of a Space Robot," AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 42(3),508-523, 2019 [].
- Dutta A., Salunkhe D. H., Kumar S, Udai. A. D, Shah S. V., "Sensorless Full Body Active Compliance in a 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator," Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 59, 278-290,2019 [].
- Hari Teja K., Balachandran. A, Shah S. V., "Optimal Wholebody Motion Planning of Humanoids In Cluttered Environments," Robotics and Autonomous Systems,118, 263-277, 2019 [].
- Bhole A, Turlapati SH, Dixit J, Shah S.V., Krishna KM., "Design of a Robust Stair Climbing Compliant Modular Robot to Tackle Overhang on Stairs. Robotica," 37(3), 428-444, 2019 [].
- Rahul T. , Salunkhe D. H. ,Rajappa S. , Ahmad A., Karlapalem K., and Shah S.V., "Motion Planning for Multi-Mobile-Manipulator Payload Transport System" IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Canada, 2019 [](CASE Google h5 index: 23)
- Raina D., Mithun P., Shah S. V. and Kumar S., "A Novel Image-based Path Planning Algorithm for Eye-in-Hand Visual Servoing of a Redundant Manipulator in a Human Centered Environment," 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India, 1-8, 2019 [] (RO-MAN Google h5 index: 24)
- Rahul. T, Sripada V. and Shah S.V,, "Path Planning through Tight Spaces for Payload Transportation using Multiple Mobile Manipulators," 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India,pp. 1-6, 2019 [] (RO-MAN Google h5 index: 24)
- Ramachandruni K., Jaiswal S., Shah S. V., "Vision-based control of UR5 robot to track a moving object under occlusion using Adaptive Kalman Filter", Advances In Robotics, IIT Madras, ACM, Article 65, 1–6, 2019 []
- Shah S. V., Saha S. K., and Dutt J. K., "A New Perspective towards Decomposition of the Generalized Inertia Matrix of Multibody Systems," Journal of Multibody System Dynamics, 43(2), 97-130, 2018 [].
- Raina D., Gora S., Shah S.V., Modeling and Estimation of Closed-Loop Impact for Multi-arm Space Robot While Capturing a Tumbling Orbiting Object. In: Badodkar D., Dwarakanath T. (eds) Machines, Mechanism and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2018 [].
- Shastry S, Avaneesh R, Desai K. A., Shah S. V., Optimal Design of a Stewart-Gough Platform for Multi-Directional Additive Manufacturing, Precision Product-Process Design and Optimization - Select Papers from AIMTDR-2016, Springer, 1-30, 2018 []
- Mithun P, Pandya H., Gaud A., Shah S. V., Krishna K. M., "Image Based Visual Servoing for Tumbling Objects," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Spain, 2018 [] (IROS Google h5 index: 54)
- Abdul Hafez A. H., Mithun P. , Anurag V. V., Shah S. V., Krishna K. M., "Reactionless visual servoing of a multi-arm space robot combined with other manipulation tasks," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 91, 1-10, 2017 [].
- Siravuru, A., Shah S.V. and Krishna, K.M., "An optimal wheel-torque control on a compliant modular robot for wheel-slip minimization," Robotica, 35(2), pp. 463–482, 2017 [].
- Turlapati S. H., Srivastava A., Krishna K.M., Shah S.V. "Detachable Modular Robot capable of Cooperative Climbing and Multi Agent Exploration" IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 2017 [] (ICRA Google h5 index: 75)
- Agrawal A., Jadhav A., Nahas P., Mogily S., Shah S. V.,Madhava Krishna K, Terrain Adaptive Posture Correction in Quadruped for Locomotion On Unstructured Terrain, Advances In Robotics, IIT Delhi, 2017 [].
- Raina D., Shah S. V., Impact Modeling and Estimation for Multi-Arm Space Robot while Capturing a Tumbling Orbiting Objects, Advances In Robotics, IIT Delhi, 2017 []
- Agarwal M.,Shrivastava H. V., Desai K. A., Shah S. V., A Novel Path Planning Approach for Multi-Directional 3-D Printing, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering 2017 (COPEN-2017), IIT Madras, pp 92-95
- James. F, Shah S. V., Kumar A., Krishna K. M., Misra A. K, “Reactionless Maneuvering of a Space Robot in Precapture Phase,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 2419-2425, 2016 (IF: 2.024) [].
- Bhargava R., Mithun P., Anurag V. V., Abdul Hafez A. H. and Shah S. V., "Image Space based Path Planning for Reactionless Manipulation of Redundant Space Robot," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Korea, 2016 [] (IROS Google h5 index: 54)
- Hari Teja K., Balachandran. A, Shah S. V., “Optimal Task Planning of Humanoid In Cluttered Environment," ASME IDETC/CIE Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), USA, 2016 []
- Nahas P., James F., Ravindran B., Shah S. V., “RRT-HX: RRT With Heuristic Extend Operations for Motion Planning In Non-Holonomic Systems," ASME IDETC/CIE Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), USA, 2016 []
- Salunkhe D. H., Sharma S., Topno S. A., Chandana D., Kankane A., and Shah S. V., "Design, Trajectory Generation and Control of Quadrotor Research Platform," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA), 2016 [].
- Goel D.,Phani Teja S., Dewangan P., Shah S. V., Sarkar A.,Krishna K. M."Design and Development of Stable Humanoid Research Platform with Articulated Torso," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA), 2016 []
- Suryan V., Desai K. A., Shah S. V.,"," All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2016 .
- Turlapati T., Phani S. T., Shah M. , Avinash S., Shah S. V. , Krishna K. M., “Stair Climbing Using a Compliant Modular Robot,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Germany, 2015 [] (IROS Google h5 index: 54)
- Anurag V. V., Shah S. V. , Abdul Hafez A. H., and Krishna K. M “Switching method to avoid algorithmic singularity in vision-based control of a space robot,” International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Turkey, 2015 [] (ICAR Google h5 index: 13)
- Hari Teja K., James. F, Shah S. V., Optimal Whole Body Motion Planning of Humanoid with Articulated Spine for Object Manipulation in Double Support Phase, Advances In Robotics, 2015 []. (AIR Google h5 index: 7)
- James F., Vyas S., Bandikatla P. , Mithun P., Shah S. V., Design and development of an earth based experimental setup for testing algorithms on space robots, Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2015 []. (AIR Google h5 index: 7)
- T Komal Kumar T. Kumar R., Mogily S., Goel D., Pareekutty N., Shah S. V.,Madhava Krishna K, Implementation of Gaits for achieving Omnidirectional walking in a Quadruped Robot, Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2015 []. (AIR Google h5 index: 7)
- Mithun P., Anurag V. V., Bhardwaj M. and Shah S. V., Real-Time Dynamic Singularity Avoidance while Visual Servoing of a Dual-Arm Space Robot, Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2015 []. (AIR Google h5 index: 7)
- Phani S. T., Turlapati T., Avinash S., Shah S. V. , Krishna K. M., “An Improved Compliant Joint Design of a Modular Robot for Descending Big Obstacles,” Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2015 []. (AIR Google h5 index: 7)
- Kaul M., Shah S. V., Saha S. K., and Manivannan M., “Reduced-order Forward Dynamics of Closed-Loop Systems,” Journal of Multibody System Dynamics, 13(4), 471-476, 2014 (IF: 2.718) [].
- Agarwal A., Shah S. V., Bandyopadhyay S., and Saha S. K., “Dynamics of Serial Chains with Large Degrees-of-Freedom,” Journal of Multibody System Dynamics, 32(3), 273-298, 2014 (IF: 2.718) [].
- Avinash S, Srivastava A., Purohit A., Shah S. V. , and Krishna K. M., “A Compliant Robot for Climbing Big Step-like Obstacles,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, 2014 [] (ICRA Google h5 index: 75)
- Abdul Hafez A. H., Anurag V. V., Shah S. V. , Krishna K. M., and Jawahar C. V., “Reactionless Visual Servoing of a Dual-Arm Space Robot,”IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, 2014 [] (ICRA Google h5 index: 75)
- Kharolia V. K., Dutt J. K., Saha S. K., Shah S. V., “Studying Continuum Dynamic Behaviour Through Rigid Multibody Dynamics, 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotordinamics, Itlay, 2014 []
- Saha S. K., Shah S. V., and Nandhial P. V. , “Evolution of the DeNOC-based Dynamic Modelling for Multibody Systems,” Mechanical Sciences, 4, 1-20, 2013 [].
- Shah S. V., Saha S. K., and Dutt J. K., “ Dynamics Algorithms for Multibody Systems,” Advances in Vibration Engineering, 12(3), 227-229, 2013 (In special issue on ICMBD 2011).
- Shah S. V., and Saha S. K., Correlation between Diagonal Ratio and Condition Number of the Generalized Inertia Matrix of a Serial-Chain, The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 60(1), 147-156, 2013 LX(1), 2013 (In special issue of IMSD 2012) [] .
- Shah S. V., Sharf I. and Misra A. K, “ Reactionless Path Planning Strategies for Capture of Tumbling Objects in Space Using a Dual-Arm Robotic System," AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (AIAA GNC), USA, 2013 []
- Avinash S, Anurag V. V., Singh A. K. , Shah S. V. , Krishna K. M., "A Semi-Active Robot for Steep Obstacle Ascent," IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), India, 2013 []
- Shah S. V., Gattupalli A. and Misra A. K., “Energy Optimum Reactionless Path Planning for Capture of Tumbling Orbiting Objects using a Dual-Arm Robot,”1st International and 16th Nat. Conf. on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM), IIT Roorkee, India, 2013.
- Avinash S, Shah S. V. , and Krishna K. M., “Wheel Torque Optimization for a Compliant Modular Robot,”1st International and 16th Nat. Conf. on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM), IIT Roorkee, India, 2013.
- Gattupalli A., Shah S. V. , Krishna K. M. and Misra A. K, "Control Strategies for Reactionless Capture of an Orbiting Object using a Satellite Mounted Robot," Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics, ACM, 2013 [].
- Shah S. V., Nandhial P. V. and Saha S. K., “Recursive Dynamics Simulator (ReDySim)-A Multibody Dynamics Solver,” Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2(6), 2012.(In special issue of ACMD 2012) [].
- Shah S. V., Saha S. K., and Dutt J. K., “Modular framework for dynamic modeling and analyses of legged robots,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, 49, 234-255, 2012 [].
- Shah S. V., Saha S. K., and Dutt J. K., “Denavit-Hartenberg Parametrization of Euler Angles,” ASME J. of Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, 7(2), 2012 [].
- Rajeevlochana C.G., Jain A., Shah S. V., and Saha S. K., “Recursive Robot Dynamics in RoboAnalyzer” Nat. Conf. on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM), IIT Madras, India, 2011.